What is Omega-3?Omega-3 has been frequently praised in the press as one of nature’s miracles. Science has backed up much of the praise with hundreds of clinical trials conducted by many of the world’s most prestigious research institutions such as UCLA, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, and Columbia. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid (EFA) known for its anti-inflammatory powers to decrease the immune response (helps those with auto-immune diseases) and increases the time it takes for blot to clot (helps those at risk for heart disease). Omega-6, on the other hand, also an essential fatty acid, largely does the opposite (fires up the immune system and inflammatory response). Omega-3 can typically be found in cold-water fish such as salmon and tuna as well as walnuts and flax seed oil. Omega-6 mainly derives from sunflower, cottonseed, safflower, and soy oils. Our Diets Today Lack Omega-3Throughout much of human history, Omega-3 and Omega-6 were in close balance with one another, about a 2:1 ratio. However, today’s Western diets are low in Omega-3 and very high in Omega-6. As a result, we now observe a 25:1 ratio, whereby the inflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids dominate over the anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acids.1 It should therefore come us little surprise that cultures with high diet intakes of fish rich in Omega-3 such as the Eskimos and Japanese have a low incidence of chronic inflammatory disorders even when compared to their Westernized ethnic counterparts.2 Aware of this interesting correlation, modern science has put Omega-3 to the test through hundreds of controlled clinical trials across a range of diseases. Clinical Studies Show ResultsHigh dose (~2.5 grams daily) Omega-3 supplementation, such as that found in OMAPURE™, has been shown repeatedly in clinical trials to produce anti-inflammatory benefits. Lower doses have been found largely ineffective for arthritis however they can still yield important cardiovascular and other health benefits.3 Among auto-immune disorders, the clinical research today is strongest for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). There are 13 double-blind, placebo-controlled studies showing results such as an improvement in patient’s overall assessment of pain, a reduction in tender joint count, improved grip strength, and a reduction in morning stiffness. Plus, no serious side effects were reported in the studies. 4 Perhaps most importantly, high dose Omega-3 supplementation has been shown in several double blind placebo controlled studies to reduce or eliminate the need for harmful long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as asprin, naproxen, and ibuprofen. We invite you to read more about the many positive results demonstrated in Omega-3 clinical studies with arthritic patients. Omega-3 Benefits: The HeartPerhaps the most widely known health benefits for Omega-3 involve the heart. The National Institutes of Health state that there is strong scientific evidence for Omega-3 in reducing high triglycerides, reducing the risk of heart attacks, and reducing blood pressure. 5 In fact, there is now an FDA approved Omega-3 drug for treating hypertriglyceridemia. These cardiovascular benefits might be particularly valuable to those who suffer from auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. A large prospective cohort study conducted by Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that the risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack) in women with rheumatoid arthritis was twice that compared to those without rheumatoid arthritis. The risk jumps to three times more likely for women who had rheumatoid arthritis for at least 10 years.6 Omega-3 supplementation can reduce the risk of heart attack. The American Heart Association states: “Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown in epidemiological and clinical trials to reduce the incidence of CVD (cardiovascular disease). Evidence from prospective secondary prevention studies suggests that EPA+DHA (Omega-3’s active ingredients) supplementation ranging from 0.5 to 1.8 g/d (either as fatty fish or supplements) significantly reduces subsequent cardiac and all-cause mortality.”7 Other Omega-3 BenefitsIn addition to arthritis and heart disease, the list of potential therapeutic applications of Omega-3 fish oil is extensive. Here are a few examples: